About The Author
Eric Bowen
A road cyclist since the late 80s, Eric is a professional cycling fanatic. He launched the website TheVirtualMusette.com (now defunct) in 2008 as a way to share his passion of the sport with other cycling enthusiasts. The centerpiece of the site was a ranking system for the best professional cyclists, which was called the Top 50 Cyclists of the Modern Era. His first book, Peloton Legends: Ranking the Top 100 Cyclists of the Modern Era is an expansion of the project first introduced on his website.
Eric was a professional bike fitter for over 20 years, 10 of which were with Revolution Bike Shop in Solana Beach, CA, through his business VeloFitter. Before working in the bicycling industry, Eric was employed in various financial services sales and marketing positions. No, he doesn't miss that industry. Not even a little.
In addition to riding with his Cyclopaths friends, Eric loves great beer (he's a Cicerone Certified Beer Server and currently enrolled in the Business of Craft Brew program at SDSU), cooking for his friends and family, horror and sci-fi movies (good ones like the Exorcist and 2001: A Space Odyssey); is a Star Wars geek (he’s even watched the all the animated tv shows), and is an Italophile who dreams of one day opening a cycling themed brewery and caffè somewhere in Tuscany.